Generation of Chaos - System



During combat, commanders can overwhelm enemy troops by using their super moves! The more damage the commander receives, the more energy is charged. Once you have enough energy, you can pull off a super move to destroy your foes. Watch out though, enemy commanders have their own super moves, too!

Battle Formation

Choose your style of combat carefully. Different formations and strategies will work best for different commanders depending on their units and individual strengths. Don’t charge with archers and don’t hold back with knights! Utilize your units to their full potential with carefully planned assaults.


Your units will form a solid wall of destruction in front of your commander and plow straight through enemy defenses. Use this formation if your units specialize in close-range combat.


Units will do their best to cover your commander and themselves from harm. A defensive position is best for long range bombardments. Why confront the enemy face-to-face when you can pick them off from a safe distance?


Your men will form two columns along the sides of the battlefield, leaving a straight path open to the commander, hoping to bait and surround the enemy. This tactic is a gamble, but you have to risk a lot if you want to win big.


A do or die formation where the commander leads the charge. Glorious victory or suicide?

Battle Tactics

Check enemy types before setting your battle tactics. Are the enemies long sharp shooters or close combat experts? Set your battle tactics according to enemy fighting styles. Waiting for the enemy to come towards you would probably not be a g good idea against ranged attack experts!


Your men will have only one thing on their minds as they head off to battle… total annihilation of the enemy!


A classic gambit to bait and trap the enemy. A tactic that goes hand in hand with the surround formation.


Without regard for their own safety, your men will rush into battle for an intimidating assault of speed power.
